Disaster Recovery


Disaster Planning

When you are tasked with managing IT, you must always fear the unexpected.  A loss of data could cripple a business, so there must be careful steps to mitigate any risks.

Mindcentric Engineers have wrapped leading Enterprise technologies into a solution designed to protect your data.   

We work with our clients to architect Disaster Recovery objectives so we can insure that your business will not be impacted in the event of an emergency.

  • Implement technology and infrastructure to mobilize data.
  • Back Up Off-Site to a Recovery Data Center
  • Mirror Sites between 2 geographically diverse facilities.
  • Leverage Public Clouds for Back Up and Recovery
  • Define specific objectives to match recovery SLAs.

Defining Objectives for Recovery

Every company and/or application has different requirements that fit their business.  In the event of a disaster, there must be measures and practices in place in order to deal with the process of restoring production.

From on-site back ups to engineering "always on" applications in diverse availability zones;  Mindcentric's team works with you to match your objectives with your budget.  Determining what is best for your company requires us to fully understand your needs and your infrastructure. 

Our team of engineers develop a road map that explores all options.  Every customer is unique and there are different levels of Disaster Recovery objectives.  Our goal is to explore all scenarios and work with you to determine the best path to take.  

Trust Mindcentric to protect your data.


Restoring and Rebuilding

The most important part of a Disaster Recovery initiative is planning how to restore your data and get your environment back into production.  Mindcentric operated multiple Tier 4 Data Centers and interconnection into all the major public clouds.

Developments in technology have made it significantly easier to move system images and data from one platform (or hypervisor) to another.  This means, you can now formulate an effective Disaster Recovery strategy, on demand, with public cloud infrastructure.

With this strategy, you could have a production environment hosted on VMWare within your own data center and stand up a completely redundant environment on demand.  This not only makes the process of restoring and testing much easier, it is also significantly more flexible from a budgeting perspective.

Mindcentric will work with you to define what model works best for your company.

“Protecting your data is a waste of time and money."

No one, Ever